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OCR: Step History table As each step is taken, the Step History table records the effect of addi term to the model, shows the order in which the terms entered the model, and shows the effect as reflected IRsquare andcp To use Mallow' c cp as model selection criterion, select the model wher approachesp, the num ber of parameters in the model shown by the value ofstep. Step History Step Parameter Action "Sig Prob" Seq SS RSquare Runtime Entered 0. .0000 632 9001 0.7434 11.36 Age Entered 0.1218 18.21015 0.7648 .9964 RunPulse Entered 0.0179 38.1 688 8096 9454 MaxPulse Entered 0.0538 21.98663 8354 8838 Weight Entered 0.1843 9.724749 0. 8468 0873 addii lRsquare showr Entereo